Museum Diary

   Surplus bicycles  for sale from stores

For details contact Steve Griffith on email or phone 07740923630     - see  also  list on  News  - news



.     Bicycles must be collected from the museum . Frames can be collected from the museum or North London

 For further info  please contact Steve Griffith on mob 07740 923 630 or email  


A talk on " Pool road Factory" will be presented by history group member Brian Poole and he will cover topics about the Factory as a War Ammunition Factory and then as Phillips Factory / Lionworks and BRD/GKN. This will be an opportunity for a film show and for people who worked in the factory to reunite. The event will be held at The Crecent Christening Centre near the bridge. Opens at 1pm for setting up . The talk and film show starts at 2pmand will last until around 4 to 4.30pm.


Getting  ready for the bicycle parade during Llandrindod Wells  Victorian Festival Week

There is a cycle parade of historic bicycles which starts from the Automobile Palace at 10.30 am