Welcome to the National Cycle Museum
Home to over 260 cycles from an 1818 Hobby Horse, Victorian solid-tyred machines, classic lightweights to the latest carbon-fibre designs.
For a list of cycles for sale from the museum stores please see our latest news section
An Independent Charitable Trust , charity ( No 511257), whose aim is to promote interest in all aspects of cycling history. We encourage Group and School visits and hold annual Events in the UK.
The Museum is the National Cycle Museum for the UK and is one of the leading world cycle museums .
If you would like to support the museum with a donation, please make cheque payable to National Cycle Museum and post to us at Automobile Palace, Temple Street, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 5DL.
Museum Admission
Adults: £6.00
Senior Citizens: £6.00
Children 4-16 free admission with each paying adult Extra children £1..
For school visits please contact us for quote.
Dogs £Free
Carers £Free
Groups: £discount given for 10+, free admission to group organiser - min 10 in group.
Opening Times
The museum will be open 10-4 on Mondays and Tuesdays in March and April
Open Saturdays 10am-2pm in April
Development of Cycling
Track the Development of Cycling Innovations, new trends in cycling clothing and the liberation cycling can bring, about sports bikes, stunt bikes and how bicycles helped the war effort and unusuals frames...
Cycle Clothing
In the 1880s, cycling became a fad of major proportions in both the United States and Europe. By the 1890s...
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Birth of Cycling
The first machine use the principles of a bicycle was invented and patented in 1817 in Mannheim, Germany by Karl von Drais...
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Racing Bicycles
The combination of safety bicycles with pneumatic tyres and geared drive by chainwheels enabled professional cycle racing...
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Mountain Bikes
Mountain bikes became popular in the 1970s. Their construction differs from a typical bicycle in that many include suspension...
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Circus / Stunt Bicycles
Bicycles have been specially adapted for all sorts of use since their inception, including high - wire circus and...
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Bicycles at War
During World War I cycle-mounted infantry, messengers and ambulance carriers were extensively used by all combatants...
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Olympic and World Records
Cycling events have been contested in every Summer Olympics programme since the first Modern Olympic Games of 1896...
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Lightweight Frame Builders
During the mid -1930s the introduction of high-tensile,lightweight steel tubing in the UK enabled cycle frame makers to produce machines...
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Unusual Frame Designs
The design of the safety bicycle very quickly became established using the ‘diamond’ frame layout or its variant...
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New Designs
In recent years we have seen the increased use of new materials, (titanium, carbon fibre, etc.) in specialist bicycle construction...
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Cycling Memories
Read some of the stories of peoples fondest memories experienced on the Bicycle. My sister Geraldine was the eldest of six...
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Types of Bicycles
There are a range of Bicycles on Display at the National Cycle Museum in Llandrindod Wells from early models such as the Hobby Horse, Penny farthing and the Boneshaker through to modern day Mountain Bikes, Carbon Fibre Frames and the Lightweights.
Hobby Horse
The first machine to integrate the three main elements of the bicycle, balance, steering and propulsion...
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Velocipede / Boneshaker
No further technical progress was made in bicycle design until the 1860s, when the Michaux family, makers of components for the carriages...
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The Ordinary / Penny Farthing
The invention in the 1870s of the metal-rimmed wheel with wire tension spokes introduced the next phase of bicycle design...
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The Safety Bicycle
The main features of the safety bicycle were a chain drive from the pedals and...
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The Sociables
The Sociable or Side By Side Bicycle is a bicycle that supports two riders who sit side by side...
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Tandems and Multi-place Machines
At each stage of cycle history, machines have been developed for use by more than one rider...
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Tricycles and Quadricycles
During the period between the first appearance of the hobby horse and the development of the velocipede, many attempts were made...
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A Recumbent bicycle is a bicycle that places the rider in a reclining position. The rider's weight is distributed comfortably over a larger area...
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Police Bicycles
The use of bicycles by the Police forces of Europe began in the late 1890s. Cycles enabled the policeman to patrol a larger area...
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Folding Bicycles
The Moulton bicycle, introduced in 1962 was a revolutionary development on the classic bicycle. It quickly...
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Electric Bicycles
An electric bicycle is a bicycle with an integrated electric motor which can be used for propulsion...
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The Roadster design was established by the early 1890s and was designed to be used for everyday transport. It was once common...
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Advertising / Shop Bicycles
Bicycles were often used to transport Traders wares and carried a panel mounted inside the frame tubes advertising...
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Memorabilia - various cycle parts available now - please see News Section- museum diary or SHOP
Many cycling memorabilia items on display e.g. photos, club badges, silverware, jerseys, posters, lamps, signs, tools, maps, magazines and a special Sturmey Archer exhibition.
See the latest films about the museum on Youtube.
Antiques Road Trip
See filming at the Cycle Museum for BBC1 Antique Road Trip (Episode 22 series 25).
The museum has an extensive collection of cycle club badges - details in Veteran Cycle Club library at bottom of the page.
NB Covid precautions are in place and the wearing of masks by visitors is optional
A lovely vintage postcard scene
Special free activities for children during school holidays. Try the free fun quiz or draw a favourite cycle in the museum.